
Sami’s Candy Store – בתוספת מילון לתלמיד


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קטגוריה: תגית:

Who doesn’t want to stop by the candy store? Especially if the candy was chosen specifically for you! What if this wonderful store were yours?
Five-year-old Sami has an idea. He’ll open his very own candy store.

Sami buys every treat that he likes for his sweet, small store – candies, chocolates and gum but then he understands that too many treats might be harmful to him. On the other hand, his friend, Lola the horse, doesn’t understand this. Lola eats exaggerated quantities of treats despite Sami’s warnings and ends up needing emergency treatment.
What happened to Lola?

Whom did Sami call for help? What does Lola now think about eating treats?

This book is a must for sweet children.

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